In Birmingham as it is in Heaven - from the highest office to the darkest street.


Vanguard Block Party (POSTPONED)

Our friends at Vanguard Church (remember James Sutton) are having a community block party  at Marconi Park, Downtown Birmingham, ONE SATURDAY this Summer TBD,

This is serving as a kick off event of their community being in the area as they continue the planting process and they have asked if Mosaic would partner with them but volunteering. Vanguard members will be present and working, but they would like for them to be largely free to engage and build relationships with attendees. They are asking that we volunteer by helping with bounce houses, check-in, serving food, etc. Every volunteer will receive food and a tshirt. 

The event will run from 11-2. They have asked volunteers to show up by 10:15a. Email for more information and to sign up.

Johnathon MillerComment