In Birmingham as it is in Heaven - from the highest office to the darkest street.


Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday, and the Easter Season


Our Good Friday service will be at 5:30p at the Battery on Friday the 7th.

It will be a reflective service and moment of prayer and worship as we prepare our hearts for the gift and joy of resurrection. We will follow a stations of the cross format as we read from the different texts and pray and sing together.

Childcare will be provided for crawlers - 5yo/PreK children (a small snack and drink will be provided in the back for them).


Weather permitting, our service will be outdoors at the Battery. We love this special celebration - and again this year, we will bring flowers to put on our wooden cross to recognize the beautiful gift that comes from the Cross.

We will also be dedicating the many new babies that have become a part of our community - reach out to Johnathon, Kyle, or Julia if you have questions or want your child to participate. Mosaic Kids will still have their classes but with an adjusted format.

We will start at our normal 10a Sunday morning service time.

Volunteers are needed, both before and after the service to bring everything down and flip the outdoor space for worship. If you could arrive at 7a and help clear out the patio area at the bottom of the steps and help get everything down from our normal space, please respond to this email or contact Johnathon or Kyle.

If you want to come early and head back home before service, we should only need everyone there for ~45-55 minutes as long as we have a good number of volunteers.

After the service, we invite you to either bring your own lunch or hit up a spot nearby and grab lunch, to stick around and enjoy a time of feasting and fellowship as a community to linger in the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

After that, we will need help again getting everything back upstairs.


For the 7 weeks following Easter (that's Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost), we invite you into a Season of Feasting and Celebration. These are the practices that we don't spend as much time thinking about.

For 5 of those Sundays, we will center our time together on Sunday mornings around the Life we have in Christ, and how we are looking for it. As we sit in the Easter season we will explore what it means to inhabit this space and time we find ourselves in.

The last two weeks will be centered around the Ascension of Jesus and Pentecost respectively.

We also want to encourage you during the day-to-day, to embrace feasting. Host a dinner, focus on Sabbath rhythms, and incorporate the intentional practice of delight into your week for a season - all as a reminder of the gift of life through the resurrection of Jesus.