Mosaic is Moving
A lot has changed in some ways, and in others it's just a little shift in the program. After meeting at the Avon Theatre for the last 7+ years, we're changing locations. As of Sunday, Mar. 4, our worship service will be at WorkPlay (500 23rd St. S, 35233). This new location is an answer to prayer — keeping us downtown and at the same morning service time we usually have.
There are bound to be some adjustments and needs as we get this transition underway (stay tuned for more information about our needs for childcare rooms, etc.).
Mostly, while the location will change, the body stays the same. The body of Christ remains, regardless of where we might find ourselves physically. We are grateful that for our little communion of saints, God has provided a way to preserve some of the social and cultural values that we have held dear for all these years. We cannot wait to see you and yours at WorkPlay in a few weeks.