21 Days of Prayer Meetings
2017 is over, and 2018 has come.
We know turning the page on a calendar doesn't actually change all that much, but it can serve as a marker. It can be used to reflect, reassess, realign, and reprioritize.
For our community, it is also a time that we set aside for prayer.
For 21 days we put our focus on the need for our community to be praying together.
In years past we also corporately enter into a time of fasting, we have decided this year to focus on the prayer portion for 21 Days - we will spend time corporately fasting during the season of Lent.
So pray with us. During this time our Sunday mornings will be centered around the book of Ecclesiastes.
Here are the times that you can join us corporately.
Sundays: Prayer happens pre-service 9:35-10:10 inside the Avon.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:00-8:00a at Studio 104,
(1305 2nd Avenue North, #104 Birmingham, AL 35203)
If you have any questions please email Kyle or Johnathon.