In Birmingham as it is in Heaven - from the highest office to the darkest street.


Thanksgiving 2014

We hope all of you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Whether you are with family, or "framily", we hope you are having a day of celebration with those whom you love. Be thankful today for all you have and have been given. 

Even in a world where we are ever reminded of brokenness and darkness all around us, even in our own lives, today as a community of faith most importantly we can stop and be thankful for the hope we have in Jesus. 

So, here is to eating too much turkey, the extra piece of pie, a little football maybe, or the Macy's day parade. And here is to the hope of Salvation, peace on earth amidst turmoil, light that drives out darkness, a love that cast out all fear. Cheers, God Bless, and Happy Thanksgiving. 

Johnathon Miller1 Comment