In Birmingham as it is in Heaven - from the highest office to the darkest street.

The Pastoral

Another way to Read Scripture and the Daily Office Readings for Holy Week

In the first week of all of this quarantining, we highlighted a great way to read scripture devotionally with all of this extra time at home. We talked about what it means to read scripture Lectio Divina, that is to meditate on one verse, or even just part of a verse. We also talked about using the Book of Common Prayer and fixed hour reading and prayer. If you’ve been following along with the daily offices here are the readings for this Holy Week.

Tuesday: Ps. 6, 12 • 94 | Lam. 1:17-22 | 2 Cor. 1:8-22 | Mark 11:27-33

Wednesday: Ps. 55 • 74 | Lam. 2:1-9 | 2 Cor. 1:23-2:11 | Mark 12:1-11

Maundy Thursday: Ps. 102 • 142, 143 | Lam. 2:10-18 | 1 Cor. 10:14-17, 11:27-32 | Mark 14:12-25

Good Friday: Ps. 95, 22 • 40, 54 | Lam. 3:1-9, 19-33 | 1 Pet. 1:10-20 | John 13:36-38

Holy Saturday: Ps. 95, 88 • 27 | Lam. 3:37-58 | Heb. 4:1-16 | Rom. 8:1-11

Another really great spiritual practice and way to read scripture is to read large chunks at a time. This is a chance to get caught up in the narrative or flow of scripture. You aren’t reading slow to memorize it all or to stop and look up all the background information and original languages. It’s much like reading book. Scripture can be wildly entertaining, but we too often parse it out and break it down into small little chunks and never see it the grand beauty of the whole thing.

So here are some great ways to do this, this week being Holy Wek, try reading the different passion narratives in one sitting. A very large portion of each gospel is given to this one week.

Mark 14-16

Matthew 26:14-28

Luke 22-24

John 13-20

If you enjoy that, in the weeks to come, pick a letter from the NT and read it all at once - as it was intended to be read. Or, you could read through a large chunk of the OT at a time. And, if you are feeling really adventurous try reading the whole Bible front to back in 90 days. There are a lot of reading plans out there that can help you with this.

We hope that you find this helpful and if you have any questions don’t be afraid to reach out. We still have a couple more posts like this one coming so be on the lookout.