Living the Resurrection: Lent 2015
The season of Lent is upon us. It seems as though it was just yesterday that we were celebrating Advent, and here we are on the edges of springtime coming into this journey of anticipation for the celebration of Resurrection Sunday.
There will be more to come on Lent, and how we can walk together through this as a community, but we wanted to first offer a few little heads up.
One, and the most obvious, we are already in the midst of this thing. Lent started this past Wednesday with the observance of Ash Wednesday. But, we want to say don't let that stop you from joining in. Pick up a devotional or reading plan, even if you have come late to the party.
Two, our new series will start this Sunday (tomorrow), and run through Easter Sunday. We will be coming out of the lectionary as we were with advent. If you would like to follow along we are in year B. If you google this it will all make sense if you are a little confused.
Three, we will be having morning prayer on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Avon Theater at 6a, this will follow a similar format as our 21 days of prayer. If you have other ideas, or ways you would like to observe, or participate in, Lent please talk with us.
Fourth, and final. We will fire the ol' blog back up. Look for a couple post a week throughout this season drawing us together as we walk through this portion of the church calendar together.
We hope to see all of you tomorrow, and we hope this Lenten season can be teacher for us on what it means to live the Resurrection daily.